"By the time August's two eclipses - on Friday and August 16 - have taken place, many elements of your life you'd considered stable will have changed... Allow yourself time for reflection and your intuition will tell you that these changes are freeing you to explore feelings and activities that you've long dreamt about..."
Not sure if I can get sued for trying to be funny about what Shelley has to say - but as I read it for the 4th time and maybe compare it to other star signs... I wonder if there's a pattern:
i. State change that will affect reader (inflict possible fear?)
ii. Give a teaser (as in a possible light at the end of the tunnel scenario)
iii.Followed by words of wisdom (i.e. dark cloud has been lifted)
iv.Shine a light - a possitive ending statement to ensure the reader under that star sign doesn't go bonkers with fear of the potential loom drawing near
Ah ha! But most importantly - there's always a phone and fax number at the end of each star reading... tah dah!
Ok - so I'll stop the mockery. In fact, the truth is that I believe in these things and should know better by now than to read it - simply because I end up loosing sleep and hanging on to every word these wise ones have to say.
Try googling your zodiac sign - there's even a Wikipedia and more 'tell-me -what-happens-next' astrology sites. I'm too afraid (yes I am chicken shit about receiving bad news) to even explore the Wikipedia site...have a go - read yours and see if age has made you more cynical or just plain paranoid.
In the meantime - let's see what happens later today and this Friday when the 1st eclipse comes around. Keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed... for what you say?
That no 'disruptive nuisance' will befall me or my fellow Pisces.
Image taken from http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailypisces.html
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