Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Another Chapter - My Two New Friends

This post is for my 2 friends who I've 'grown' with since being here.
I promised them that I wasn't going to post their picture on Facebook - so I'll have to keep my word.

Hence I'm dedicating this post to the two of them - you know who you are :)

The first one - she has made a decision to go home and give up her dream of working out here in the UK. It was a tough decision for her to make, but if I know her well enough, I know that if she decides on wanting to come back here and give it another shot - you can bet that she will do it. And achieve it. For now, I know she's already missing everything about Glasgow. And me...
The second friend - well this friend... she's finally found a job. So this is a simple congratulations and welcome back to the real world... i.e. bills and repayments. I believe this is a sanity thing more than anything else for her so I am happy that this job has finally come through.

To my dear friends,
A chapter has now closed, the next steps will perhaps be fun and uncertain for the 3 of us. Who knows where next or what next.

But whatever happens, I'll hope that we will have another chance of having herbal tea and chocolate cake, happy... just... happy. I'll miss you guys - although this is a chapter closing - I'm glad to have had the chance to have had this chapter to my life.

No photos of us at Bar One on George Street, Edinburgh last night. But here's the herbal tea...

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