Saturday, 2 August 2008

Choice - The First Eclipse

So my horoscope for the week has been bang on with a severe dosage of bad news from the doctor.

So what next?

I've been trying to read up website information - all of which does not shed any glimmer of hope.
I've been doing the recipe search.
I've been attempting to reflect on priorities and weighting out pros & cons.
And I've talked about it to everyone that I care to tell.

Now what?

Give up? Live out my life to the limit? Do all the things I want to do? Remain in the 7 stages of grief like a hamster on a wheel?

Oh so many choices!

Ah hah! CHOICE...

Now that's one word I used to think about alot when times were bad but have not had to think about it in the past few years because I was happy.
What a shame that it is back to stare me in the face again.

Hate to admit it - but I'm going to have to spend sometime thinking about choice.

The doctor says I am at stage 4 - I think I may still have a choice.
What I don't have is time. But still there is choice.

Time to think - and to wait for the next eclipse this 16th August.

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