Thursday, 11 December 2008

Christmas Parties

After a few seriously I'd-rather-watch-paint-dry posts on my moan about doctors and blood tests, I thought it'll be worthwhile having a moan about Christmas parties instead.

So it's that time of the year - festive season. Although this is my 3rd winter in Scotland, I've not actually spent it out here - always opting to go home to the sunshine instead. This year, I'll be here.

And it's already proven to be a white winter with a few proper mornings of snow covered streets. Should get photos of them - pretty, yes! But not great when you have to spend a good 15mins defrosting the car when you're already late for work!

Back to my original topic - office Christmas parties. Now this is a first for me. EVeryone seems to wind down for the festive year, we all do loads on unnecessary shopping, my diet's out the window and I'm in panic mode over clothes for Christmas parties.

I went to one last Thursday (yes, it was on a Thursday night, don't ask why!) and will be going to another tonight. Not complaining, but the truth is, people just get absolutely hammered at these parties and end up lying on the floor with nickers in full view of the rest of the department bosses.

Anyone who knows me will know that I've done worse things in my 'past life' - knickers and drunken behaviour and the rest of it! So I'm not sure why or what is it exactly I'm complaining about bad behaviour... all I can say is that office Christmas parties and boring as hell. I'd rather an Ian Rankin book, my hot cup of Milo and comfy duvet for a night out.

Takers anyone?

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